Restoring Electronics After Water Damage: Dos And Don’ts

April 24, 2024 By Zhuri

Water harm can be very bad for electronics like TVs, video game consoles, smartphones, and laptops. Whether it’s a spill, a flood, or accidental immersion, the aftermath of water exposure can be catastrophic for your gadgets. However, all hope is not lost. With the right approach and swift action, it’s possible to salvage water-damaged electronics. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore the dos and don’ts of restoring electronics after water damage, providing you with valuable insights to help rescue your devices from potential ruin.

The Impact Of Water Damage On Electronics:

When water touches electrical parts, it can lead to short circuits, corrosion, and damage that can’t be fixed to delicate circuitry. Another problem is that moisture can cause mold and mildew to grow, which makes the gadget even less useful. So, quick action is needed to stop things from getting worse and improve the chances of a good restoration.

The Dos Of Restoring Electronics After Water Damage:

Power Off Immediately: If your device encounters water, the first step is to power it off immediately. Continuing to use or attempt to power on a wet device can exacerbate the damage and increase the risk of short circuits.

Remove External Accessories: Disconnect any external accessories, such as chargers, cables, and cases, from the device to prevent additional moisture ingress.

Dry The Surface: Gently pat the exterior of the device with a soft, absorbent cloth to remove excess moisture. Hair dryers and other heat sources should not be used because they can damage sensitive parts even more.

Disassemble If Possible: If you’re comfortable doing so, disassemble the device to allow for thorough drying. Remove the battery (if applicable) and any removable components to facilitate the drying process.

Use Silica Gel Or Rice: To get rid of the moisture inside the device, put it in a jar with silica gel packets or uncooked rice. Put the lid on the container and soak the device for at least 48 hours to make sure it dries completely.        

Seek Professional Assistance: For professional help, call a reputable water repair company if you’re not sure how bad the damage is or don’t have the right tools and knowledge. They have the skills and tools to figure out how bad the damage is and use special drying methods to safely fix your gadgets.

The Don’ts Of Restoring Electronics After Water Damage:

Don’t Power On Immediately: Resist the temptation to power on the device immediately after exposure to water, as this can cause irreversible damage. Patience is key to allowing the device to dry thoroughly before attempting to turn it on.

Don’t Shake Or Tap: Avoid shaking or tapping the device in an attempt to dislodge water droplets, as this can spread moisture further into the device and damage internal components.

Don’t Apply Heat: Refrain from using heat sources such as hairdryers, ovens, or microwaves to dry the device, as excessive heat can warp or melt plastic parts and lead to component failure.

Don’t Ignore Signs Of Damage: A dark or flickering screen, strange behavior, or strange sounds are all signs that your device has been damaged by water. Don’t ignore them. Continuing to use a damaged device can worsen the problem and decrease the likelihood of successful restoration.

Don’t Attempt DIY Repairs: While it may be tempting to try DIY repair methods found online, such as submerging the device in alcohol or using an electronic contact cleaner, these methods can cause more harm than good. Improper cleaning techniques can further damage sensitive components and void any existing warranties.

Don’t Delay Professional Help: If you are unable to dry and fix the device on your own, do not be afraid to get help from a professional water repair company. Putting off getting professional help can cause more damage and make it less likely that your electronics can be fixed.


Restoring electronics after water damage requires careful attention and adherence to best practices. By following the dos and don’ts in this guide, you can improve your chances of getting your water-damaged electronics back. Remember, swift action is essential, so don’t delay in implementing these restoration techniques. If you encounter challenges or uncertainty during the process, don’t hesitate to enlist the expertise of a reputable water restoration company. With patience and proper care, your electronics can be brought back to life, saving you from the inconvenience and expense of replacement.